Home 2025 - Tatto Shops Near Me

Tatto Shops Near Me 2025

Need to find a tattoo shop near you?
At tattoshopsnearme.com we have the largest list of tattoo shops in the United States.
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Health Warning

All the tattoo shops in the United States that we show on our website follow the health standards established by the NIH. Together we can stop Covid 19!

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Do you want to locate a tattoo parlor quickly?
Below we show you the shortcuts to the stores of the states and cities in the United States
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All Counties at Tatto Shops Near Me

We have selected the most popular cities in the United States that have a large number of tattoo shops. In this way you can enter the desired city directly without having to choose the county in which you want to search for the tattoo parlor.

Top 10 Tattoo Shops in the United States

At tattoshopsnearme.com we work to offer you the best options and make it easier for you to choose where to get your next tattoo. Here we leave you a list with the 10 best tattoo shops in the country this 2025. They are the top 10 rated tattoo shops in the United States on Google. All these stores have more than 1,000 reviews, some of them reach 5,000, for some reason it will also be close to 5 stars.

Inkaholik Tattoos in Miami

Under the name of Inkaholik Tattoos we found three locations located in Miami, FL. The three Inkaholik stores are at the top of the list, exceeding 4,000 thousand ratings. We leave them in order of reviews and with the direct link to the store to obtain more information or contact them.

  • Inkaholik Tattoos with address in 8367 SW 40th St. has over 5,000 reviews and an average rating of 4.9. This average rating, with such a high number of ratings, makes it clear that it is no coincidence that it is in this top.
  • Inkaholic Tattoos with address in 11730 Biscayne Blvd #102 has over 5,000 reviews and an average rating of 4.9 too. Like the previous store, the data and opinions of the clients only give us a good feeling to get a tattoo here.
  • Inkaholic Tattoos Kendall in 10855 SW 72nd St # 25 has over 4,000 reviews and an average rating of 4.9.

Certified Tattoo Studios in Lakewood

In the city of Lakewood, CO, we find the tattoo shop Certified Tattoo Studios. This place has a total of 3378 reviews and an average of 4.8 from customers. Also you can find other Certified Tattoo Studios in the city.

Grand Avenue Tattoo And Piercings in Phoenix

With just over 3,000 reviews, we are talking about Grand Avenue Tattoo And Piercings located in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. This venue located in downtown Phoenix has an average rating of 4.9. This store located at 1502 W Camelback Rd Suite 1 also offers piercing services.

Urbans Tattoo And Piercing Studio in Arlington

In Arlington, with almost 3,000 reviews and a 4.9 rating, we can turn to Urbans Tattoo And Piercing Studio. This place located at 2301 N Collins St #112 in Arlington, Texas.

Twisted Tattoo in San Antonio

Meet Twisted Tattoo with us, a tattoo parlor located in San Antonio, Texas. This place has more than 2600 ratings and an average of 4.9. You can find this store at 1031 Patricia, San Antonio.

Empire Ink Tattoo in Miami Beach

In Miami Beach we can go to Empire Ink Tattoo to get our next tattoo done. with 2662 reviews and almost a 5 average rating, specifically a 4.9. This location is located at 710 Washington Ave #5. This is the fourth location on the list that belongs to Florida County.

Black Lotus Tattoos in Hanover

Black Lotus Tattoos is located in the state of Maryland at 7466 New Ridge Rd #22, Hanover. As with the rest of the shops on the list, this tattoo parlor is close to 5 stars with almost 2,300 opinions.

Tattoo Maze in San Antonio

Returning to the city of San Antonio in Texas, we introduce you to Tattoo Maze. This place is the only one on the list of best tattoo shops in the United States with 5 stars. This is impressive considering that it has 2033 reviews in total. You can make an appointment at 1750 S General McMullen Dr or by calling the phone that we have on your profile.

As we mentioned before, this list is based on the stores with the most ratings and a good average number of stars in the United States. Our advice, if you want to get a tattoo and you live far from these shops, find your nearest tattoo shop with us.

Most commented tattoo shops

Here we leave you the 6 places with the most comments in Tatto Shops Near Me. This list may change over time with the opinions and information provided by those who visit our website.

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Our recomended articles

Here we leave you the most recommended articles on our website. These articles feature amplified information on tattoo care, tattoo designs, areas to get a tattoo, and much more. This section will be updated according to the visits and interactions that occur in them. If you want to recommend any of the articles to appear in recommended, do not hesitate to leave a comment on the chosen article.

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